A right triangle whose sides are 15 cm and 20 cm (Other than hypotenuse) , is made to revolve about its hypotenuse. Find the volume and surface area of the double cone so formed. (Choose value of π as found appropriate)

Let name the triangle, ABC


Sides of the triangle are 15 and 20 cm,


In the given case BD is the radius of the double cone generated by triangle by revolving.

Now by Pythagoras theorem,

AC2 = AB2 + BC2

AC2 = (15)2 + (20)2

AC2 = 225 + 400

AC2 = 625 = (25)2

AC = 25 cm

Let AD be m cm;

CD = (25 – m) cm

By using the Pythagoras theorem in ∆ABD and ∆CBD;


AD2 + BD2 = AB2

m2 + BD2 = 225

BD2 = 225 – m2 ……….(i)


BD2 + CD2 = BC2

BD2 + (25 – m)2 = (20)2

BD2 = (20)2 – (25 – m)2 …..(ii)

By putting both the equations (i) and (ii) together,

225 – m2 = (20)2 – (625 – m)2

225 – m2 = 400 – (625 + m2 – 50m) ……….by (a2 – b2)

225 – m2 = - 225 – m2 + 50m

225 – m2 + 225 + m2 = 50m

450 = 50m


m = = 9 cm

BD2 = (15)2 – (9)2

BD2 = 225 – 81 = 144 cm

BD = 12 cm

Radius of the generated double cone = 12 cm


Volume of the cone generated = Volume of the upper cone + Volume of the lower cone

(AD + CD)

(12)2× (25)

= 1200π cm3 = 3,771.42 cm3

Surface area of the double cone formed;

= L.S.A of upper cone + L.S.A of the lower cone

= π (BD) × (AB) + π (BD) × (BC)

= π × 12cm × 15 cm + π × 12 cm × 20 cm

= 420π cm2 = 1320 cm2

So, the volume is 1200π cm3 and surface area is 420π cm2, of the double cone so formed.