Name the functions of the following:

(a) Corpus luteum (b) Endometrium

(c) Acrosome (d) Sperm tail

(e) Fimbriae

a) Corpus luteum – is the outcome of ruptured Graffian follicle, it secretes progesterone hormone during menstrual cycle in luteal phase. Excessive secretion of progesterone prevents ovulation by inhibiting secretions of FSH and LT. it also allows endometrium to proliferate and prepare itself for implantation.

b) Endometrium is the innermost wall/linig of the uterus which is rich in glands and it undergoes cyclic changes during the phases of menstrual cycle to prepare itself for implantation of the embryo.

c) Acrosome – is a cap-like structure which is present in the anterior part of the sperm, containing hyaluronidase enzyme, that hydrolyses the outer membrane of the egg, hence helping the sperm to penetrate the egg at the time of fertilization.

d) Sperm tail – is the longest region of the sperm that facilitates the movement of the sperm inside the female reproductive tract.

e) Fimbriae – are finger like projections present at the end of ovary in the fallopian tube, these helps in the collection of ovum by beating their cilia (after ovulation).