Balance the following equations:

(i) Na + 02 Na20

(ii) H202H20 + 02

(iii) Mg(OH)2 +HCl MgCl2+ H20

(iv) Fe +02Fe203

(v) Al(OH)3Al203 + H20

(vi) NH3 + CuO Cu +N2+ H20

(vii) Al2(S04)3 + NaOH Al(OH)3 + Na2S04

(viii) HN03 +Ca(OH)2Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

(ix) NaOH+H2S04Na2SO4 +H2O

(x) BaCl2+H2S04 BaSO4+ HCl

(i) 4Na + 02 2Na20

4 moles of Sodium will balance rthe reaction.

(ii) 2H202 2H20 + 02

2 moles of hydrogen peroxide and dihydrogen oxide balances the equation.

(iii) Mg(OH) + 2HCl MgCl2 + 2H20.

2 moles of HCl and 2 moles of hydrogen peroxide will balance the equation.

(iv) 4Fe + 3022Fe203

Adding 4 moles of Fe and balancing the equation with Fe will complete the equation.

(v) 2Al(0H)3 Al203 + 3H20

2 moles of aluminum hydroxide and 3 moles of water will balance the equation.

(vi) 2NH3 + 3Cu0 3Cu + N2 + 3H20

Adding 2 moles of ammonia and balancing the equation accordingly.

(vii) Al2(S0)2 + 6NaOH 2Al(0H) + 3Na2S04

6 moles of NaoH and balancing the oxygen and sodium will complete the equation.

(viii) 2HN03 +Ca(OH)2Ca(N03)2 + 2H20

2 moles Nitric acid and 2 moles of water will balance the equation.

(ix) 2NaOH + B2S04 Na2S04 + 2H20

2 moles of sodium hydroxide and 2 moles of water will balance the reaction.

(x) BaCl2 +H2S04 BaS04 + 2HCl

2 moles of HCl will balance the reaction.