Visit a construction site in your neighbourhood, a brickyard, or other such place where you are likely to find migrant workers. Find out where the workers come from. How are they recruited from their home villages, who is the ‘mukadam’? If they are from rural areas, find out about their lives in their villages and why they have to migrate to find work.

I am living in Delhi, NCR where due to rapid infrastructure development the construction work is on full swing. The builders have appointed labours from various parts of country like Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, U.P, etc who are working under manager and engineers.

The labour is engaged at low wages because of poor bargaining power and they are often exploited by the clever contactors and managers. The place is full of migrant workers. The labour from different state move to these areas where construction work is regularly carried on so that they could on a regular living.

The whole family is engaged by the contractor and the small kids generally suffer the lack of parent attention, schooling, proper food habit, proper nutrients, etc.