In each of the question, form a differential equation representing the given family of curves by eliminating arbitrary constants a and b.

y = ex (a cos x + b sin x)

It is given that y = ex(acosx + bsinx) ------(1)

Now, differentiating both w.r.t. x, we get,

y’ = ex(acosx + bsinx) + ex(-asinx + bcosx)

y’ = ex[(a + b)cosx – (a – b)sinx)] ------(2)

Again, differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get,

y” = ex[(a + b)cosx – (a – b)sinx)] + ex[-(a + b)sinx – (a – b)cosx)]

y” = ex[2bcosx – 2asinx]

y” = 2ex(bcosx – asinx) ----(3)

Adding equation (1) and (3), we get,

2y + y” = 2y’

Therefore, the required differential equation is 2y + y” = 2y’= 0.