How will you convert:

Methanamine into ethanamine

Explanation: The structure of methanamine is CH3NH2 and the structure of ethanamine is CH3CH2NH2. To convert methanamine into ethanamine (the number of carbon atoms are increasing from one carbon atom two carbon atoms) so we need ethanenitrile which we can get from ethyl chloride. We can obtain ethyl chloride from alcohol which can be obtained from diazonium salt (R--N2+Cl-)

Step 1: Convert methyl amine to methanol

Methyl amine (CH3NH2) is first treated with HNO2 and HCl, which gives a fresh diazonium salt (R--N2+Cl-) and then diazonium salt undergoes hydrolysis to form methanol.

Step 2: Convert methanol to methyl chloride

Methanol is treated with PCl5 or thionyl chloride, gives ethanenitrile (CH3Cl) by the replacement of OH atom by Cl atom.

Step 3: Convert methyl chloride to ethanenitrile

Methyl chloride (CH3Cl) is treated with ethanolic NaCN or KCN, gives ethanenitrile (CH3CN)

Step 4: Convert ethanenitrile to ethanamine

Ethanenitrile (CH3CN) undergoes a reduction in the presence of sodium and ethyl alcohol to form ethanamine (CH3CH2NH2 – final product) which has one carbon atom more than the ethanenitrile.