How will you convert:

Nitromethane into dimethylamine

Explanation: The structure of Nitromethane is CH3NO2 and structure of dimethylamine (CH3NHCH3), as dimethylamine is a secondary amine so to obtain this, we need methyl isocyanide (CH3NC) which we can get from methanamine through carbylamine reaction.

Step 1: Convert nitromethane to methanamine

Nitromethane (CH3NO2) undergoes reduction in the presence of Sn and HCl to form methanamine (CH3NH2)

Step 2: Convert methanamine to methyl isocyanide by Carbylamine reaction

Methanamine (CH3NH2) is heated with alcoholic potassium hydroxide and chloroform, the methyl isocyanide (CH3NC) is formed.

Note: Carbylamine reaction is given only by primary amines

Primary amines when heated with chloroform and alcoholic potassium hydroxide give isocynaides (carbylamines) having very unpleasant smell, which can be easily detected.

Step 3: Convert methyl isocyanide to diethylamine

Methyl isocyanide (CH3NC) undergoes reduction in the presence of sodium and ethyl alcohol to form diethylamine (CH3NHCH3-final product)