Several reports show that caste groups previously associated with scavenging are forced to continue in this job. Those in positions of authority refuse to give them any other job. Their children are discouraged from pursuing education. Which of their Fundamental Rights are being violated in this instance?

In this instance the following Fundamental Rights are violated:

1. Right the freedom- Personal freedoms were violated when they were forced to continue in their job and were refused the other jobs that were available to them. Thus, freedom of profession was violated.

2. Cultural and Educational Rights- When the children are dejected from pursuing education, the cultural and educational rights are violated. Every child has the right to get admission to any government or government aided educational institution to pursue his or her education and achieve their dreams.

3. In the above instance Right to equality is also violated. According to this right, all the citizens of the country are equal in the eyes of the law and are not discriminated on the basis of caste, class, creed, gender, etc. Everyone has the equality of opportunity in employment.