In terms of period and group where would you locate the element with Z =114?

Elements from atomic number = 87 to atomic number = 114 are present in the 7th period of the periodic table. Therefore, the element with atomic number = 114 [Flerovium] with atomic weight 289 and a poor metal is present in 7th period and 14th group of the periodic table.

The s-block elements of the 7th period have elements with atomic number 87 and 88,

f-block elements consist of next 14 elements from atomic number 90 to 103 excluding element with atomic number = 89,

d-block element consists of next 10 elements from atomic number 104 to 112 and also elements with atomic number 89, and p-block element consists of elements from atomic number 113 to 118

Thus, the element with atomic number 114 is the second element of the p block of the 7th period.