Have you ever observed any water pollution in your area? What measures would you suggest to control it?

Water pollution arises as a result of various human activities. This includes discharges from wastewater treatment plants, run-off from agricultural fields, storm-water drainage, etc.

Pollutants from these sources enter the water bodies, thereby contaminating the water and rendering it impure. Industries and chemical factories discharge toxic, heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Al, etc., along with organic wastes into the water. Domestic sewage and animal excreta are also responsible for pathogenic contamination of water. These pollutants make water unfit for

drinking. Therefore, all industrial and chemical discharges should be made free from toxic metals before allowing them to enter a water body. The concentration of these pollutants should be checked regularly. Compost should be preferred over chemical fertilizers in gardens and agricultural fields to avoid harmful chemicals from entering ground water.