How does Rawls use the idea of a veil of ignorance to argue that fair and just distribution can be defended on rational grounds?

John rawl has argued that the only way we can establish fair and just rule is if we imagine that , we have been given the task to take decision about how a society to be organised although we do not know under which category we fall into i.e. caste , creed , religion etc.

Since we do not know the options that will be available to us in future, we would try to make a society which would be fair to all. This thought is known as Veil of Ignorance.

a. He believes that in such ignorance about our possible position in future, one would try to build a society that benefits all.

b. It becomes easy to reason that those who are born privileged will enjoy certain opportunities, but if born in a disadvantaged section of society then would be devoid of those opportunities.