What is the largest number that divides 245 and 1029, leaving remainder 5 in each case?

We know that Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

According to the problem :

Dividend 1 = 245

Dividend 2 = 1029

Dividend - Remainder = Divisor × Quotient

So Dividend 1- Remainder = 240 = Divisor × Quotient 1

Prime Factor of 240 = 24 × 3 × 5

Dividend 2 – Remainder = 1024 = Divisor × Quotient 2

Prime Factor of 1024 = 24 × 26

Since, the Divisor is common for both the numbers we need to find the Highest Common Factor between both the numbers. From the Prime factors, we find the

Highest Common Factor between the two numbers is 24 = 16