Examine the paragraph beginning ‘Some time later the taxi started moving again...’ for variety in sentence length and sentence structure.

(1) Sometime later the taxi started moving again. (2) Solomon Margolin was now driving through streets he had never seen before. (3) It was New York, but it might just as well have been Chicago or Cleveland. (4) They passed through an industrial district with factory buildings, warehouses of coal, lumber, scrap iron. (5) Negroes, strangely black, stood about on the sidewalks, staring ahead, their great dark eyes full of gloomy hopelessness. (6) Occasionally the car would pass a tavern. (7) The people at the bar seemed to have something unearthly about them as if they were being punished here for sins committed in another incarnation. (8) Just when Solomon Margolin was beginning to suspect that the driver, who had remained stubbornly silent the whole time, had gotten lost or else was deliberately taking him out of his way, the taxi entered a thickly populated neighbourhood. (9) They passed a synagogue, a funeral parlour, and there, ahead, was the wedding hall, all lit up, with its neon Jewish sign and Star of David. (10) Dr. Margolin gave the driver a dollar tip and the man took it without uttering a word.

Sentence 1. Simple sentence

Sentence 2. Simple sentence

Sentence 3. Simple sentence

Sentence 4. Simple sentence with description separated by commas

Sentence 5. Complex sentence consisting of one subject with subclauses

Sentence 6. Simple sentence

Sentence 7. Complex sentence consisting of one main clause and a subclause

Sentence 8. Compound-Complex sentence consisting of two independent clauses separated by a comma; the first clause has several subclauses joined with ‘who’ and ‘had’

Sentence 9. Compound-Complex sentence consisting of two independent clauses joined by ‘and’; the second clause has a subclause joined with ‘with’

Sentence 10. Simple sentence