The following table shows distribution of workforce in India for the year 1972-73. Analyse it and give reasons for the nature of workforce distribution. You will notice that the data is pertaining to the situation in India 30 years ago!

From the data given above regarding the year 1972-73, we can conclude the following –

1. Out of the total workforce of 234 millions, 195 millions were from rural area and only 39 million were from urban area. This indicates that the rural workforce comprised of 83% of the total workforce as compared to 17% of the urban workforce. The reason behind this was that the majority of rural population was engaged in agriculture and other allied sectors.

2. The rural workforce comprises of 65% of male workforce and 35% of female workforce whereas among urban workforce comprises of 82% of male workforce and 18% of female workforce. In both the sectors the participation of female workforce was lower that the male workforce because of the lack of opportunities available to women for acquiring education and the females were discouraged to take up job or any work other than the household works.

3. When we compare the contribution of female workforce in rural sector with that of urban sector we find that in rural sector the contribution of women workforce is more than that in urban sector because most of the females were engaged in farming and other related activities and the agricultural sector had low productivity.