Which of the following symptoms is likely to afflict an astronaut in space (a) swollen feet, (b) swollen face, (c) a headache, (d) orientational problem.

(b) swollen face, (c) headache, (d) orientational problem are likely to afflict an astronaut in space

Swollen feet is a situation when due to excess body mass , resulting in excessive body weight applies force on feet which results in causing fluid to build up in feet, legs and ankles , but in space this problem will not afflict an astronaut in space because , there is no gravity so there will be no force on feet due to body weight as body weight will be zero though mass will be same we know weight is given as

W = mg

Where W is the weight of a body of mass m and g is acceleration due to gravity

In space there is no gravity so

g = 0

i.e. body weight is zero so there is no effect of swollen feet.

as there is no air in space and hence no air pressure, blood circulation with an increase in body and face as there is no external pressure to counter it, so it may cause the face to swell and also lead to a headache as blood circulation in brain too increases

Orientation is a function of mind involving awareness place time person, space also has a definite orientation (definite position of one point with respect to another) so if a person has orientation problem i.e. brain is not working properly regarding positions and direction this will definitely afflict the person in space