You are Ankit/ Ankita. You visited the arctic region as part of an expedition. The melting of the ice caps and the rising water level alarmed you and made you realize the intensity of global warming. On your return you decide to write an article for a youth magazine on your concerns regarding the effects of global warming.

Based on the points given below and your own ideas, write an article in 100-120 words, on the Effects of Global Warming:

•Polar ice caps melt

•Water level rises-flooding of coastal areas

•Increased frequency of weather extremes-climate changes.

Effects of Global Warming

By: Ankita

Global warming has been a prime concern for the national and international delegates and has mastered the seat of importance since years. Though the remedies to reduce it are still on the verge of being explored, yet the studies and conferences on this international issue has spearheaded the awareness amongst people in a mass scale.

We are all acquainted with the melting of polar ice caps without delving much into the immediate effects. With the rapid augmentation in temperature, there is fast melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. In the recent reports, we have noticed a rapid deterioration in the presence of solid ice especially in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. My recent expedition to Arctic made me realize the space evacuated by the thawing of solid ice contents.

As a consequence of this melting, there has been an increase in the water level. According to the recent reports, one fourth of the water level has been found to increase in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which is again channelized in the seas and rivers. With the rise of water level in the rivers, the adjoining coastal areas are found to be victims of floods during monsoons. Often these places experience occasional and sudden outburst of water from the adjacent water body.

However, the consequences of global warming extend to changes in the weather and climatic patterns. With massive deforestation, there has been an increase in the carbon dioxide content, leading to a rise in the heat absorption capacity of the earth. The greenhouse gases trap the heat and do not allow them to escape the earth, thus augmenting the temperature of the earth over the years. This has huge impacts on the diurnal temperature with unprecedented weather changes. The weather pattern experiences massive whimsical changes. It is only us, the humans, who in the quest to comfort our existing lives, have created odds which need to be mended as soon as possible.