Discuss the following statements in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view.

The methods of inquiry of history, science, and philosophy are similar.

For: The methods of inquiry of History, Science and Philosophy are similar. In the story, The Adventure one can find the perspectives of History, Philosophy, and Science converging towards a focal point. History employs the methods of observation, analysis, and rationalism in understanding the course of past events. Science is based on observation, experimentation, and analysis. Rationalism is the most fundamental principle that Science follows. Philosophy is thoroughly critical in methodology.

Against It is a misinterpretation that the methods of inquiry of History, Science and Philosophy are similar. The similarity is at the superstitious level and not at the core. In the story, The Adventure Rajendra tried to demonstrate the experience of Prof Gaitonde by applying the Catastrophic theory. But this explanation is not convincing though it convinced the professor. Catastrophic theory can best explain the phenomenon of the physical world but History deals with the behavioural world. It is concerned with the behaviour of society and individuals. The methods of inquiry will also vary accordingly.