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Chacko’s firmness in dealing with the irrational behaviour of his father.

Pappachi used to beat Mammachi with brass vases every night in frustration and this was not new he does this from the very beginning. When Chacko came home for a summer vacation from Oxford. He had grown to be a big man. A week after he arrived, he found Pappachi beating Mammachi. Chacko strode into the room, caught Pappachi’s vase from his hand and twisted Pappachi’s hand around his back. Chacko roared with a strong voice that he don't want this incident to happen again. From that point of time, his father never touched Mammachi again and even never talked to her till he lived. The firmness of son stopped violence in the home and it was a right action taken by son. Today every other woman is badly beaten by her husband and like Mammanchi they don’t even protest. But it’s a duty of kid to safe her mother from violence and that is what Chacko did firmly.