Comment on the way in which the story is narrated from Satyajit’s perspective.

The narrator wrote the story in a way to explain the importance of failure and success in our life. He represented Satyajit as two-sided character man one who was front of everyone and another one was in his mind. The life of him taught beautiful lessons which he never will ignore. He tries to explain himself at every point in the story whether it is a time of promoted manager, the time of marriage of Srinath’s daughters, the fraudulent impression on public pretending to be rich but at that time he was in a great loss. He has helped many persons rather than his family. He was regretful too for having that much attention but without any hard work and that he had paid at the time of loss. The joyful life was now a regretful life. This regretful character of him represents the broken soul and heart of him. This all made him understood the fact that tempo of failure is faster than success.