How do these lines capture the essence of the story: ‘Glory was all overlaid with dark shame. Glory was dead.’ ‘… let him be wrapped a while in the lingering twilight splendor of departed glory’.

The line ‘Glory was all overlaid with dark shame. Glory was dead’ explains a lot about the author who was type of person who wants to be on top always and never want to face failure. But failure is never a relative to anyone for it and this is clearly explained in the story as Satyajit faced a great loss in his life and still he did not want to public his loss and wanted to live a life with fake respect and prestige in the society and even he did not tell his uncle of whom daughters marriage was possible due to him only but the real fact is that that massive richness has been on its knees and he can’t believe that fact. The superiority and glory of Satyajit were turned into a shame. ‘Glory was dead’ meant that the author was feeling hopeless and helpless under the situation and did not have any control over it.