Paddy is a major cereal crop in our country.

(a) In which season is paddy cultivated?

(b) Discuss the method of sowing.

(c) What measures must be taken to prevent spoilage and insect attack of harvested grains.

a) Paddy is cultivated in rainy season as it is a Kharif crop.

b) For sowing paddy seeds are first grown in the nursery then the seedlings are transplanted into the fields. This process helps in selecting healthy and better seedlings for cultivation so that we can get good quality crops.

c) Harvested grains should be properly dried under the sun to remove moisture. Dried neem leaves should be added to stored grains to prevent the attack of pests. We can spray rodenticides or insecticides time to time to prevent the attack of rodents or insects. In this way, we can prevent spoilage and insect attack of harvested grains.