Unscramble the jumbled words underlined in the following statements.

(a) cells of our body produce antidote fight pathogens.

(b) curbossulite is an air-borne disease caused by a bacterium.

(c) Xanrhat is a dangerous bacterial disease.

(d) Yeasts are used in the wine industry because of their property of meronettinaf.

(a) Antibodies

Our body produces substances called antibodies when a disease-causing microbes enter into our body which fights and destroy the pathogens and remain in the body to fight future infections caused by the same pathogen.

(b) Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is caused by bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is an air-borne disease. It generally attacks the lungs. BCG vaccine is given to prevent tuberculosis.

(c) Anthrax

Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis and is usually transmitted from cattles.

(d) Fermentation

Fermentation is the process by which yeasts convert sugar into alcohol and produce carbon dioxide gas in absence of oxygen gas.