Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(a) The human forelimb and bat's forelimb are examples of..................... organs whereas an insect's wing and a bat's wing are an example of ..................... organs.

(b) The evolution of eye is an example of evolution by .....................

(c) The scientific name of all human beings is....................

(d) Broccoli has evolved from ..................... by the process of artificial selection.

(e) The theory of natural selection for evolution was proposed by……………..

(a) Homologous organs; Analogous organs.

(Homologous organs are those which have a similar structure; whereas analogous organs are those which have a similar function).

(b) Stages.

(c) Homo Sapiens

(Modern specie of humans is Homo Sapiens). Homo sapiens evolved between 250,000 and 100,000 years ago in Africa.

(d) Wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

(Flower buds and stem are modified traits to produce Kohlrabi)

(e) Charles Robert Darwin.

(Darwin proposed the theory of evolution in his book “Origin Of species”, by means of Natural Selection.