Study the given map of a zoo and answer the following questions.

A) Give the location of lions in the zoo.

B) (D,F) and (C,D) represent locations of which animals in the zoo?

C) Where are the toilets located?

D) Give the location of canteen.

A) As the x coordinate is lying on A on x axis

The y coordinate is lying on f on y axis

The coordinates of that point be (x,y)(A,f)

Hence the location of lions in the zoo is at the point (A,f)

B) (D,f) Monkey

As the coordinate x is D and coordinate y is f i.e., (D,f)

Which is already representing monkeys.

(C,d) Elephant

As the coordinate x is C and coordinate y is d i.e., (C,d)

Which is already representing elephants

C) As the x coordinate is lying on 0 on x axis

The y coordinate is lying on e on y axis

The coordinates of that point be (x,y)(0,e)

Hence the location of lions in the zoo is at the point (0,e)

D) As the x coordinate is lying on C on x axis

The y coordinate is lying on c on y axis

The coordinates of that point be (x,y)(C,c)

Hence the location of lions in the zoo is at the point (C,c)