Distance between Bholu’s and Golu’s house is 9 km. Bholu has to attend Golu’s birthday party at 7 o’clock. He started from his home at 6 o’clock on his bicycle and covered a distance of 6 km in 40 minutes. At that point he met Chintu and he spoke to him for 5 minutes and reached Golu’s birthday party at 7 o’clock. With what speed did he cover the second part of the journey? Calculate his average speed for the entire journey.


Party start at 7’o clock

Total time spend by Bholu = 40 min (traveling) + 5 min (chatting) = 45 min

So Bholu has to reach Golu’s house within 15 min (1hour – 45 min)

The speed with which Bholu has to cover the second part of the journey is



Average The average of Bholu’s in the entire journey is total distance divided by total the time taken

