When an electric current flows through a copper wire AB as shown in Figure14.1, the wire

Option (a) – It is correct as a current carrying wire produces a magnetic field. Hence, Option (a) is correct.

Option (b) – Since it has almost zero resistance as it is a conductor, so no heat is produced, so it cannot become red hot (H=i2Rt; H= heat/work done; i is current; R is resistance & t is the time). Hence, Option (b) is incorrect.

Option (c) – As a cell is used to power the bulb which is typical of 2-5V, so it cannot give an electric shock. So, Option (c) is incorrect.

Option (d) – To behave as a fuse, the wire has to burn (to make the circuit open). But, since we have omitted option (b), hence option (d) should also be incorrect.