Provide the suitable term that expresses the meaning of each of the following statements.

(a) Greeting cards made from newspaper.

(b) Contents of the waste bins.

(c) Worms converting certain kinds of waste into manure.

(d) An area where a lot of garbage is collected, spread out and covered with soil.

a. Recycling.

It is a process of using discarded items like newspaper to make fresh objects like greeting cards.

b. Garbage.

The waste materials are thrown into waste bins and these are called garbage.

c. Vermicomposting

It is the process of making compost from kitchen wastes using red worms. This compost has high nutritive value used as manure in kitchen gardens.

d. Landfill

The parts of the garbage that cannot be used are spread out in landfill areas and then covered with soil. These landfills are low lying areas.