Read the poem written below and then answer the questions from the information gathered from the book or elsewhere.

Blue and green

Two bins, you mean?

Yes, they are there

To throw your waste.

But not in a hurry

Nor in a haste.

Select from waste, sieve if seems muddy

Separate all item and when they are ready

Place in a blue, or one that is green

For a voyage to the landfill, or for composting.

(i) Name the two kinds of waste that need to be separated from each other in two different waste bins.

(ii) Name two items of waste each that need to be sent to a

(a) landfill, (b) for composting.

i. The two kinds of wastes are biodegradable wastes which can be converted into simpler forms by action of microbes. Other is non-biodegradable wastes which cannot be degraded due to action of microbes. So both these wastes should be separated from each other and thrown into different waste bins. Biodegradable wastes can be converted into compost and can be used as a manure. Non-biodegradable wastes can be recycled in recycling units and which cannot be recycled can be dumped in landfills.

ii. Plastics items, metals, glasses etc. can be sent into landfills

Kitchen wastes like fruits and vegetables peels, dried leaves, plant wastes etc. can be send for composting.