Iron is present in haemoglobin (in blood) which acts as oxygen carrier in our body. Deficiency of iron leads to anaemia. It must be a part of our diet.

Read the above passage and answer the following questions.

(i) Name a fruit and a green vegetable which contain iron. Is iron metal or non metal?

(ii) Give the chemical formula of iron sulphate.

(iii) How will you make students of your school aware that they must take iron in the diet regularly?

(i) A fruit which contains iron is pomegranate. It is iron rich fruit.

It also contains other important nutrients too.

A vegetable which contains iron is spinach. It is iron rich

vegetable. It contains 3.6mg of iron

Iron is a metal.

(ii) Iron sulphate:

Formula: Fe2(SO4)2 or FeSO4

(iii) Iron is present in haemoglobin (in blood) which acts as oxygen carrier in our body. It is an important nutrient for our body

Deficiency of iron leads to may problems. It can cause anaemia, shortness of breath, tiredness, headache or migraine. Hence, it must be a part of our diet.