What are the various types of animal tissues? Mention briefly the location and one main function of each class of tissue.

There are four types of tissues found in animals. These are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue.

(a) Epithelial tissue: The cells of the tissue are of various shape and closely connected to each other via cellular junctions. This tissue lines body surfaces, cavities and forms glands. The function of epithelial tissue in protection, absorption and secretin.

(b) Connective tissues: The cells of connective tissue are embedded in extracellular material. This material is called matrix is secreted by the cells. The extracellular matrix is non-living material composed of protein fibres and ground substance. It helps in transportation, protection and body defence and storage.

(c) Muscular tissue: The cells are elongated and contain the contractile proteins actin and myosin. It brings about contraction and movement of organs.

(d) Nervous tissue: The tissue consists of two major cell types: neurons and glial cells. Neurons are specialized for the conduction of nerve impulses. This tissue composes the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.