What are the differences between broilers and layers with respect to their purpose of breeding and daily food requirement? What necessary steps have to be taken to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in poultry farm?

Difference between the broilers and layers with respect to their purpose of breeding and daily food requirement is listed below:

Poultry fowl suffer from a number of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. In order to avoid this infectious disease in a poultry farm, there are some essential steps that are needed to be taken. These steps are the following:

There should be proper cleaning of farms in order to avoid the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

There should be a proper sanitation system in the poultry farm in order to ensure cleanliness and to avoid disease-causing organisms.

There should be spraying of disinfectants at regular time intervals.

Appropriate vaccination should be provided to the poultry fowls in case of any infectious disease.

All the above-mentioned steps needs to be implemented as they prevent infectious disease in poultry farms.