Make two food chains and a food web from the following set of living organisms: Grass, vulture, deer, insect, and snake. Identify the tertiary consumers in both the food chains.

Food chain is a series of organism feeding on one another. And food web consists of a number of interlinked food chains. There are trophic levels in both which determine the sequence of organisms according to their mode of nutrition.

Plants (producers) get their nutrition from sunlight and prepare their own food. Then comes the primary consumers (herbivores) they cannot prepare their own food hence get their nutrition by feeding on plants. Then comes the secondary (omnivores) and then tertiary consumers (carnivores) they get energy by eating other animals. They all get the nutrition from the organisms of lower trophic levels.

Hence the food chains will be as follows:

(1) Grass->Deer ->Vulture

(2) Grass->Insect->Snake->Vulture

And the food web will be as follows:

So producer is grass, primary consumers are insect and deer, secondary consumers is a snake and at the apex is vulture the tertiary consumer of both food chain and food web.