Write a few steps to reduce consumption of coal and petroleum.

Coal is used to produce electricity. So, if we can save electricity, then the coal consumption will be automatically reduced. Similarly, the petroleum products such as kerosene and LPG are used for cooking food, and petrol and diesel are used as fuel in motor vehicles, so to reduce the consumption of petroleum we should practice some smart ways to reduce it.

Some of the steps which can be taken to conserve energy resources (like coal and petroleum) are as follows:

(a) Switch off the electrical appliances when they are not in use. Use energy efficient electrical appliances such as Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and fluorescent tube-lights to save electricity

(b) Use stairs instead of lift to go up at least t 3 floors. This will save electricity.

(c) Pressure cookers should be used for cooking food to save fuels.

(d) Solar cookers should be used to cook food whenever possible.

(e) Use public transport as far as possible to reduce be improved so that people do not commute in their personal vehicles. This will save a lot of petrol and diesel.