Collect information and pictures of the scientists of the Gupta period.
1. Aryabhata: He was a mathematician and astronomer of the Gupta’s Empire. At the age of 23 years, he wrote a book called “Aryabhatia”. His various and uniquely defined systems and notations made significant participation in the history of mathematics.
2. Varahamihira: He was an astronomer, astrologer, and mathematician. He wrote many books. One of them was on the subject of astronomy called Panchasiddhantika. It is considered as Bible of the Astronomy. He also wrote Bruhat Samhita, Bruhat Jataka and Laghu Jataka.
3. Sushruta: He was a scholar in surgery. He wrote Sushruta Samhita which is well known for a book of surgery in ester times. He is also known as “father of surgery” in famous literature. He used to record the surgery techniques and then applied them on soldiers.
4. Charaka: He was a medical scientist. He is regarded as “Indian father of Medicine”. He wrote Charaka Samhita in the field of medicine. In ancient times, he is well known for his significant contribution in Ayurveda.