Give two salient features or any unique feature, each of the following division or phylum:

A. Division Thallophyta.

B. Division Pteridophyta.

C. Division Gymnosperms.

D. Phylum Coelenterata.

E. Phylum Annelida.

F. Phylum Arthropoda.

G. Phylum Protochordata.

H. Phylum Vertebrata.

(A). Division Thallophyta

• The plant body is thalloid are not divided into true root, stem or leaves

• Conducting elements are absent in thallophytes

(B) Division Pteridophyta

• Pteridophyta are first true land plants

• They are seedless, vascular cryptogams

(C) Division gymnosperms

• They have naked seeds, that is, its seeds are not covered by fruit. Formation of the flower is absent.

• The seeds are pollinated by wind

(D) Phylum Coelenterata

• Presence of cnidoblast cells, therefore, phylum also known as cnidaria

• All the members of phylum Coelenterata are aquatic, mostly marine.

(E) phylum Annelida

• Body is metamerically segmented

• First Phylum having a true coelom

(F) phylum Arthropoda

• Animals having jointed appendages

• Largest and most successful phylum on the Earth

(G) subphylum protochordate

• Pharynx perforated by Gill slits.

• A post-anal tail is present. Brainbox is absent.

(H) subphylum Vertebrata

• The notochord is replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult

• Presence of dorsal hollow nerve cord