The electronic configuration of a magnesium atom is 2, 8, 2 and that of a chlorine atom is 2, 8, 7. State the type of bond formed between the two and the formula of the compound formed. Show its formation with the help of electron-dot structure. Also list its two properties.

i. The electronic configuration of a magnesium atom is 2, 8, 2. Hence, Mg will loose its two valence electrons to complete its octet. This results in the formation of Mg2+ion.

ii. The electronic configuration of a chlorine atom is 2, 8, 7. Hence, Cl will gain one electron to complete its octet. This results in the formation of Cl- ion.

iii. Mg2+ is donating 2 electrons to each chlorine atoms (two chlorine atoms)

iv. As you can see that in the formation of the bond, the ions (Mg2+ and Cl-) are involved Hence, the type of bond is an ionic bond.

Properties of magnesium chloride (MgCl2):

i. It is water soluble.

ii. It is a good conductor of electricity.

iii. It has a high melting and boiling point.

iv. It is generally brittle.