What are the functions of gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach?

Gastric glands are present in the mucosa lining of the stomach wall. They are present in the fundus, cardiac and pyloric regions of the stomach. About 2-3 liters of Gastric juice is secreted per day and its secretion is controlled by the thought of food, smell, and chewing.

These glands are,

a) Parietal or oxyntic cells:- secrete HCL that provides the acidic pH for the action of pepsin and rennin. Also, they secrete an" intrinsic factor" that helps in the absorption of vitamin B12.

b) Peptic cells or chief cells or zymogenic cells:- they secrete pepsinogen and prorennin which are zymogenic (inactive) forms which digest proteins.

c) Mucus neck cells or goblet cells:- they secrete Mucus which contains mucin which protects the stomach wall from the acidic action of HCL.

d) G-cells: - these secrete a hormone called "Gastrin" that controls the amount of secretion of Gastric juices.