Radium decomposes at a rate proportional to the quantity of radium present. It is found that in 25 years, approximately 1.1% of a certain quantity of radium has decomposed. Determine approximately how long it will take for one - half of the original amount of radium to decompose?

[Given loge0.989 = 0.01106 and loge2 = 0.6931]

Let the quantity of radium at any time t be A.

According to the question,

where k is a constant

Integrating both sides, we have

= – k∫dt

log|A| = – kt + c……(1)

Given, Initial quantity of radium be A0 when t = 0 sec

Putting the value in equation (1)

log|A| = – kt + c

log| A0| = 0 + c

c = log| A0| ……(2)

Putting the value of c in equation (1) we have,

log|A| = – kt + log| A0|

log|A| – log| A0| = – k t []

log ( = – kt ……(3)

Given that the radium decomposes 1.1% in 25 years,

A = (100 – 1.1)% = 98.9% = 0.989 A0 at t = 25 years

From equation(3),we have

– kt = log (

– k×25 = log (

k = –

The equation becomes

log ( = – t


log ( = – t

log ( = – t

= – t

(log 2 = 0.6931 and log 0.989 = 0.01106)

t = 1567 years