i. Write the functions of the following parts human male reproductive system:

a. Testis; b. Vas deferens; c. Urethra; d. Prostate

ii. List any two common pubertal changes that appear in humans males.

i. a. Testis: It is responsible for the generation of sperms. Also, it is responsible for making testosterone (primary male sex hormone).

ii.Vas deferens: It transports mature sperm to the urethra.

iii. Urethra: It is responsible for ejaculation of sperm to the outside of the body when a male reaches orgasm.

iv. Prostrate gland: It provides fluidity to semen and helps in the nourishment of sperms.

Two common pubertal changes in the male are: Growing of facial hair and broadening of voice box that is, Adam’s apple which leads to hoarseness of voice.