i. A dry pallet of common base ’X’, when kept in open air absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound is also a by-product of chlor-alkali process. Identify ‘X’. What type of reaction occurs when ‘X’ is treated with strong acid? Write a balanced chemical equation for such reaction.

ii. Can we store the base ‘X’ in an aluminium container? Give reason in support of your answer.

i. When electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (called brine), it decomposes to form sodium hydroxide. The process is called the chlor-alkali process. The by-product of chlor-alkali process is sodium hydroxide which absorbs moisture (when dry) and turns sticky.

When sodium hydroxide reacts with a strong acid, it produce a neutral salt and water.

NaOH(s)+H2SO4(aq) Na2SO4(aq)+H2O(l).

ii. ‘X’ cannot be stored in an aluminium container as NaOH is a strong base and reacts with aluminium to form sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) and liberate hydrogen gas(H2). Sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) is harmful as it is strong irritant to tissue. It is known have caused injuries of eyes similar to those caused by Sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Also Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a corrosive chemical.