A coin is tossed twice. If the second throw results I a tail, a die is thrown. Describe the sample space for this experiment.

Given: A coin is tossed twice. If the second throw results I a tail, A die is thrown.

To Find: Write the sample space for the given experiment.

Explanation: When a coin tossed twice, Then sample spaces for only coin will be: {HH, TT, HT , TH}

Now, According to question , when we get Tail in second throw, then a dice is thrown.

So, The total number of elementary events are 2+(2×6)=14

And sample space will be

S={HH, TH, (HT, 1), (HT, 2), (HT, 3), (HT, 4), (HT, 5), (HT, 6), (TT, 1), (TT, 2), (TT, 3), (TT, 4), (TT, 5), (TT, 6)}

Hence, this is the sample space for given experiment.