A hospital dietician wishes to find the cheapest combination of two foods, A and B, that contains at least 0.5 milligram of thiamine and at least 600 calories. Each unit of A contains 0.12 milligram of thiamine and 100 calories, while each unit of B contains 0.10 milligram of thiamine and 150 calories. If each food costs 10 paise per unit, how many units of each should be combined at a minimum cost?

The above information can be expressed using the following table:

Let the quantity of the foods A and B be ‘x’ and ‘y’ respectively.

Cost of food A = 0.10x

Cost of food B = 0.10y

Cost of diet = 0.10x + 0.10y


0.12x + 0.10y ≥ 0.5

i.e. the minimum requirement of thiamine in the foods is 0.5mg

100x + 150y ≥ 600

i.e. the minimum requirement of calories in the foods is 600.

Hence, mathematical formulation of the LPP is as follows:

Find ‘x’ and ‘y’ that:

Minimises Z = 0.10x + 0.10y

Subject to the following constraints:

(i) 0.12x + 0.10y ≥ 0.5

(ii) 100x + 150y ≥ 600

i.e. 2x + 3y ≥ 12

(iii) x,y ≥ 0 ( quantity cant be negative)

The feasible region is unbounded.

The corner points of the feasible region is as follows:

Z is smallest at A(1.875,2.75)

Let us consider 0.1x+0.1y ≤ 0.4625

As it has no intersection with the feasible region, the smallest value is the minimum value.

The minimum cost of the foods is ₹0.4625