Study the following map of Trans-Canadian Railway line carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Name the terminal stations of this Railway line.

(ii) Name the agricultural region and industrial region through which this line passes.

(iii) Why is this railway line considered as the economic artery of Canada?

(i) The trans-continent railway line runs across the continent and connects the two ends. An important railway line of North America is the Trans Canadian railways. This railway network in Canada runs from Halifax in the east to Vancouver on the Pacific Coast passing through Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary. It was constructed in 1886.

(ii) The transport line is the most important route in North America. It has given much significance to the continent. It connected the industrial region of Quebec-Montreal with the wheat belt of the Prairie Region and the Coniferous Forest in the northern region.

(iii) The transport line connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean thereby linking the port of Vancouver on the Pacific Coast in the east to the coast of Sydney and Halifax in the west. The transport line is the most important route in North America. It has given much significance to the continent. It connected the industrial region of Quebec-Montreal with the wheat belt of the Prairie Region and the Coniferous Forest in the northern region. Thus each region became complementary to the other. The line also connects one of the important waterways from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay (Lake Superior). This line is the trade centre artery of Canada through which wheat and meat are exported.