A cube of side 5 has one vertex at the point (1, 0, 1), and the three edges from this vertex are, respectively, parallel to the negative x and y-axes and positive z-axis. Find the coordinates of the other vertices of the cube.

Given: A cube has side 4 having one vertex at (1, 0, 1)

To find: coordinates of the other vertices of the cube.

Let Point A(1, 0, 1) and AB, AD and AE is parallel to –ve x-axis, -ve y-axis and +ve z-axis respectively

Since side of cube = 5

Point B is (-4, 0, 1)

Point D is (1, -5, 1)

Point E is (1, 0, 6)

Now, EH is parallel to –ve y-axis

Point H is (1, -5, 6)

HG is parallel to –ve x-axis

Point G is (-4, -5, 6)

Now, again GC and GF is parallel to –ve z-axis and +ve y-axis respectively

Point C is (-4, -5, 1)

Point F is (-4, 0, 6)